6 Months Sales Masterclass - Anu Khanna - ActionCOACH

6 Months Sales MasterClass

The 6 Month-Sales Training Program Explained:

The program involves a combination of video learning prior to facilitated group sessions. During these facilitated sessions, you will engage with your coach and be encouraged to apply what they’ve learned in the videos. You’ll have your own login ID and will be able to login as many times as you like to delve into various aspects of sales mastery, equipping you with the skills and mindset necessary for success. Each week, you’ll explore a unique facet of the sales process, from defining your sales mindset to mastering the art of negotiation.

Session 1 – Definition/Mindset & Professionalism of Sales​

  • Definition Of Selling​.
  • Your Sales Mindset​.
  • Key Characteristics to a Winning Mindset​.
  • Key Characteristics of top “Sales” “Person”​.
  • What Makes Great Salespeople​.
  • Sales Mindset & Motivation​.
  • Being Professional​.
  • Using Testimonials​.
  • Being A Professional Salesperson​.
  • Homework

Session 2 – Beliefs

  • Beliefs​.
  • 4 Types of SalesPeople​.
  • 4 Types of Customers​.
  • What You Must Do As A Sales Person​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 3 – Communication & Engagement​

  • Selling On Logic Or Emotion​.
  • The Language System Diagnostic Instrument​.
  • Steps To Learning​.
  • DISC Profiling​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 4 – Prospecting/Qualifying & Targeting​ 

  • 5 Proven Ways To Increase Profit From Sales​.
  • Build Your Sales Process​.
  • AIDA – 4 Step Focus​.
  • Pipeline Management​.
  • Time Management​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback.

Session 5 – Lead Qualification​

  • The Question Funnel​.
  • Old Selling Vs New Selling​.
  • The Question Process​.
  • Your Purpose​.
  • Questions Softeners​.
  • Questions​.
  • Temperature Checking​.
  • Sales Elevator Pitch​.
  • Creating Buyer Experience.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 6 – Technique & Sales

  • Relationship Selling Techniques​.
  • Body Language Techniques​.
  • Understanding the Buyers Brain​.
  • Standards​.
  • Performance Phone Standards​.
  • Performance Retail Standards​.
  • Sales Skills​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 7 – Sales Negotiation & Objection Handling

  • Making Sales​.
  • Relationship Selling Techniques​.
  • Great Salespeople​.
  • Handling Objections​.
  • Overcoming Objections​.
  • Sales Negotiation Process​.
  • Win-Win​.
  • Sales Negotiation​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 8 – Understanding Your Competition​

  • Products & Services Defined​.
  • Importance Of A SWOT​.
  • Competitive Difference​.
  • Niche​.
  • Unique Selling Proposition​.
  • Importance Of Sales Forecasting​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 9 – Database & Tools​

  • Flow Chart Your Sales Process​.
  • KPI’s​.
  • Test & Measure​.
  • Sales Tools​.
  • Working Your Database​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 10 – Customer Service & Support 

  • Customer Satisfaction​.
  • Give Customers More​.
  • Be Proactive​.
  • Innovation​.
  • Customer Service​.
  • Make It Easy To Buy​.
  • Critical Non-Essentials​.
  • Referrals​.
  • Ladder of Loyalty​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 11 – The Enrolment​

  • Provide Solutions​.
  • Enroll​.
  • Asking Questions​.
  • Enrolment​.
  • Temperature Checking​.
  • Closing The Deal​.
  • Getting The Commitment​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Session 12 – Scripts, Action & Deliver

  • Maximize The Yes, Minimize The No​.
  • Follow Up​.
  • Using Scripts​.
  • Turning Your Vision Into Reality​.
  • Take Action​.
  • Review​.
  • Homework​.
  • Feedback​.

Why 6 Month Sales Masterclass?

The 6-Month fortnightly sales training program offers a robust and structured approach to enhancing your sales skills and knowledge. By guiding you through this program, you’ll significantly enhance your sales knowledge improve your conversion rates, increase the average ticket value and overall sales performance.

Enquire About This Programme

Get in touch to book a place or find out more.


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